The 2011 Oceania Champs were held over in Shepparton, Australia. I arrived in Melbourne airport on the Wednesday and set off for the extra 2 hour stretch to get to the track and have a look. My first impressions were that it was rather tame as it was a steady but not that steep climb which would mean for a fast hard race to come. The further around the track the more interesting it became. Toward the top it started to get very similar in rock positioning as the Port Hills in Christchurch. Once right along the top it got exciting. The course sidled along angled rock cliffs then came up to the 'Waterfall' section. This had a steep 1-2 metre near rideable drop which in practice was the part to go over. I looked at it once and straight down I went! With a bit more fast flowing downhill and a grassy paddock to push up and around and the lap was complete.
After another practice Thursday and feeling I had the course sussed I was ready for battle come Friday. Race day had good conditions hot but not over the top. After a good warm up it was time to head to the start box. Elite men started 3 minutes ahead of my Category Under23. I had a good start and was sitting in about 5th on the single track climb however was stuck in this position the whole first lap and the leader started to slip away. Second lap came around and both Dirk Peters and I started to gain some positions getting passed the slower riders. This was all good and I was going great. I faded a little on the fourth lap but was in the mind set to smash out the final lap. At this stage I was in a solid 3rd place with a good couple of minutes gap between me and the 4th rider.
After I got a fresh bottle I came up behind an elite rider and was waiting to pass. We went up a zigzag and he took a gel. I was ready to pounce but the track was too tight to nip through. With a 10 metre gap between the last zig zag and an tree/rocky obstacle to ride over I made my move so that I could knock out a fast hard lap to fully secure my bronze placing. Once beside this Elite Aussie rider who started 3 minutes ahead of me he simply decided he wasn't going to let me though and as we came side by side up to the obstacle I had turned in to get over and he was still there. He toppled onto my bike and munted my front wheel leaving me to walk back and DNF!
After all my hard work put into this race and my first season as an under23 trying to consolidate good race results, I was absolutely gutted not being able to get on the podium for New Zealand, my sponsor Cycleways, Trek and my parents and friends/supporters.
Besides the disappointment I was proud of the way I raced knowing for next season that while this one had its ups and downs I am where I need to be for the build up for Worlds and next season!
Big thanks to Mildy for taking the time and care to collect and arrange transport for our group from the Airport and to Dookie etc.
Huge thanks to Debbie and Cyndi Hills for organising some fantastic accommodation, it surely brought a very positive atmosphere around for all!